We decided not to wash up, seeing as its Saturday tomorrow and we have all day :) I tell ya, my muscles are aching. Me and Rich...what a workout. LOL. Its pretty cool having our own workout station in the house, means whenever were bored we can do a few reps. you know? BEEF UP. lets face it, i need it. =[
So yeah, boring day tomorrow. I just want to start ACM now :( OH MY GOD...my student ID card is SOOO BAD. blonde hair. oh yeah. and we have this massive book to take us through the year, picture below. Also, we got a nice ACM drumstick back :) how cool are WE guna look? :) and im also pissed off that my student portal shit aint working! arghhh. better be 2mro. My timetable seems pretty decent, I don't have any free days but I like it. Theres loads of extra lessons I can go to...on friday...if I go to all my lessons and then extra lessons im there from 9am till 6pm! with only 1/2 hour break! jeeeeeez guna be tough...but I guess its worth it :)
Peace out x

ooks like your in for a fun few years!
Fuck that shit I love my timetable! Tomorrow im in from 11.30 til 5 with 3 hours to kill in the middle. Tuesday = DAY OFF. Wednesday = 12 - 4.30 with an hour off. Thursday - 2.30 - 5.30 and friday = 2.15 - 3pm. Oooo yerrr! I know i have to do around 6 hours of practice a day too but still!
Fuck that shit I love my timetable! Tomorrow im in from 11.30 til 5 with 3 hours to kill in the middle. Tuesday = DAY OFF. Wednesday = 12 - 4.30 with an hour off. Thursday - 2.30 - 5.30 and friday = 2.15 - 3pm. Oooo yerrr! I know i have to do around 6 hours of practice a day too but still!
Sorry about the previous post from guy - thats my flat mate who keeps using my internet...grr
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