this week has seen TWO reunions. on thursday i had the fcuk reunion which was so good! it was great to have the whole team (almost) all back together, I really do miss the days of larking around with the guys...before it went all downhill and shit and when everyone started leaving. haha. some of us met up for Nando's and then we all met up and moved onto "the boat"..a nice bar situated on the broad walk of lakeside. One thing annoyed me about this place however...the bouncer told me to take my dappy hat off! what a prick. Its lakeside...not the Ritz mate. jesus. I drove which was annoying cos everyone was having a really good time drinking. Everyone laughed at me cos i got a glass of wine :( lol.
Friday was the Reading Fest reunion! Oh how i miss the days of camping in a tent stinking to high heaven and pooing in a bush :) It was a "pub golf"event...and im still unsure of what that actually means to this very day. It involved people dressing up in retard golf gear and drinking alot so must of been fun. I took part in the drinking of course but passed on dressing like a prat. Julia had come down all the way from Central so was really nice to see her and the gang. We took advantage of the 90p mixers at 131...what a bargain. I got like 4 drinks for just over £3. score. We moved on to a couple of places but ended up in Edge...what a dump. I hate romford. lol. Me, Dean & Julia left in the end and got a cab home with Chris. As Julia had come all that way I offered my humble abode for her to stay in for the night, as it would of been impossible for her to get home. We all snuggled up in the double bed and watched Pirates of the Carribean...well most of it, until Julia fell asleep...Dean was just boring and didnt watch it at all.

Dean had to leave early in the morning to deliver some papers or something, some crap/funny job that he got through his Nan. haha. Pappa brang me and julia breakfast in bed so we finished watching the film and chatted about our hatred for Keira Knightley haha. good times. Sadly it was getting later on in the day and we both had things to do, so I dropped her off at the station, was great to see her.
I finished my Christmas shopping that weekend so im all set for Christmas...all wrapped up and ready to go. I can't wait. What a kid...I went round Natasha's tonight and delivered her and her families presents...I felt like Santa knocking on the door with my big bags full. I had a great night. We went to a petrol station to get sweets for my dad and the guy that served us was called Peeve (indian of course)...I said to Natasha that i would from hence forth like to be known as "Peeve" ahahhaha. fun times. Had some great melon and came home :)
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