During the day Me, Natasha and her Pops drove down to Brent Cross as Natasha wanted to get this coat. After stopping off for a gorgeous bagel we went to Brent Cross, got the coat...Natasha complained to the Apple man about her headphones which was funny as they gave her a new pair! Sometimes its good to make a scene and tell a few lies ;) We ended up spending most of the day in random places that i'd never been too...we went to a cafe and had pastries which was nice :) It wasn't until we came home that trouble started to arise...
The travel was disgusting on the way home, and as Me & Natasha had to make it all the way up to Covent Garden for our 7:30 reservation it was quite annoying. In the end we got back to hers with about an hour left for us to get back to my house, get showered, get dressed and then get a train. Not so bad until we started the drive from Romford to Upminster...TRAFFICCCC. It was horrendous. Natasha stayed coooool as a cucumber while I sat there moaning about how late we were going to be. When we finally got home it was 5:40 so we had 20 minutes to shower and get ready between us. WE DID IT! I don't know how but we did, with even 5 minutes to spare! I was telling Natasha how lucky I was to be with someone that didn't take 3 hours to get ready!
We travelled up to Covent Garden and had 1/2 hour to spare! Luxury. The Ivy itself was amazing, the atmosphere was great and it was nice to be surrounded by smart, well manoured people...apart from the fat sloth that was sitting behind Natasha for 1/2 our meal. I get the fat sloth to look at while Natasha got "Two-Face" a.k.a Harvey Dent sitting behind me! How cool! There was also the bald ginger cock from Eastenders sitting away from us, but hes not as important :) i (L) dark knight. We ended up having a lovely meal, and it didn't work out too expensive as we had decided to hold off the wine! We needed a break...haha.
The night was young so we took a walk around Covent Garden and found a cool looking cocktail bar...this is where the alcohol-free night went downhill. Natasha had a sexual cocktail while I had a nice glass of white. Lovely Jubbely. After waiting for 5 minutes for some polish cock to get my change we went and jumped on the Thames Clipper :D haha. Apart from the staff on-board it was a lovely experience, event though it was raining...The driver off the boat even missed a stop because he was "on the phone!" Outrageous if you ask me...Got the train. Came home. Dropped Natasha off. Perfect night :) xxx

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